Dec. 2018 Hero Status Update

Merry Christmas!

We have had a pretty full month here at Evolution Arms. Production has been in full swing, we have sabers covering almost every surface in the shop, and we were lucky enough that the anodizing on the Heroes came out pretty well. Some of the parts were a little iffy, but we made extras. The Chosen One parts did not fare so well, which is a pretty big disappointment. We will have to remake a number of them.

I’ve been weathering sabers over the last week, and the machines have all been running practically non-stop. The hilts look fantastic, and we are really excited for everyone to receive them.

As we have teased before, the sabers in this run are “Gen 2” which comes with a number of accuracy tweaks, and some functionality improvements that we know everyone will appreciate. As you probably know, we are also supplying the Gen 2 Hero to Vader’s Vault, so they are very excited about the new features too. Unfortunately this does mean a bit of bad news. They aren’t ready to announce the changes just yet, and out of respect for them, we don’t want to leak those details early. This means we can’t yet send you guys pictures, and we have to delay shipping until after the big announcement.  They are currently on vacation until January 4th, and the announcement should happen soon after that.

We are sorry for the lack of transparency on this. We had not anticipated that our non-disclosure agreement would prevent us from shipping until after the announcement. If we had known, we would have mentioned it in our last big Email. Don’t worry though, we know everyone is going to be happy to see what we have in store. The announcement may include a few new options, so we won’t pack up your sabers just yet, we want to make sure everyone has the chance to get exactly what they want.

Once again, we want to apologize for the delays, and we want to thank everyone who has been so patient with us on this. We hope you all had a merry Christmas, and we wish you all a happy New Year!

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